Season One – Episode 3 Conversation: Simplicity, by Richard Rohr


Episode #2. This episode Tanya and Dawn are diving into contemplative prayer with a conversation about Richard Rohr’s Simplicity, and the accompanying scripture reading: The Letter to the Ephesians. Father Richard is a brilliant author and communicator, in touch with the current moving of the spirit and deeply steeped in the complex history of the Church. If you have never encountered this transformative leader you are in for a treat. So brew some coffee, get out your journals, or gather a friend or two, but get ready for inspiration and new ideas. We have a link to reflection questions based on The letter to the Ephesians, Simplicity, by Richard Rohr and the Gift Girls’ Faith Book Club’s conversation.

“The great blind spot of European and American Christianity is that we can’t see that the gospel isn’t aimed just at the individual, but also at society.”
-Richard Rohr-

From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Ephesians 4:16