Season Two – Episode 10 Shameless, by Nadia Bolz-Weber


Episode #10.  Shameless “is for everyone who ever felt ashamed of their sexual nature because of what someone told them in God’s name”. Nadia asks the daring question – Can the church now be the place of sexual healing? It’s high time for a sexual reformation! Guaranteed to spark some fabulously real conversations, this is a book everyone should read. Heads up for sensitive friends – our conversation touches on sexual assault and may be upsetting. 

“How bizarre that a religion based on the merging of things human and divine – a religion based on God choosing to have, of all things, a human body; a faith whose central practice is a shared meal of bread and wine that we say and sometimes believe is the body and blood of Jesus – could develop into such a body – and pleasure-fearing religion”.  (Nadia Bolz-Weber)

If you find this episode interesting check out Giftgirls Season One: Episode 5 to hear our conversation about Nadia’s book Accidental Saints. Also we highly recommend Nadia’s podcast The Confessional.