Season One – Episode 11 Conversation: Interrupted, by Jen Hatmaker

Season One – Episode 11 Conversation: Interrupted, by Jen Hatmaker


Episode #11.   Get the tissues ready because you’ll be laughing so hard you’ll need them. With Jen Hatmaker a spoonful of laughter makes the medicine go down, as she ruffles feathers, tosses out truth bombs, and generally disrupts our comfortable church routine. Interrupted takes us along on the Hatmakers’ journey from their safe and predictable lifestyle christianity, to the wild ride of living on mission for Jesus. Bring it on Jen! We love you! 


The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters, you did for me”.

Matthew 25:40 

Season One – Episode 6 Scripture Reading: The Book of Jonah

Season One – Episode 6 Scripture Reading: The Book of Jonah


What better scripture to pair with Nadia Bolz- Weber’s Accidental Saints than fellow reluctant prophet Jonah from The Book of Jonah? This may be God’s holy scripture but it is witty, wry, and gets right to the point.

Is it right for you to be angry about this?
Jonah 4:4