Season Three – Episode #1: Falling Upwards by Richard Rohr

Season Three – Episode #1: Falling Upwards by Richard Rohr


Season Three – Episode #1. Dawn and Tanya are picking up the gauntlet once again to share with you our experience of where faith finds us in this season.  Richard Rohr’s enlightening, chock-full-of-wisdom Falling Upwards, about the second half of life spirituality, will provide a framework for this conversation. 

Our hope is to encourage women who feel on the fringe of their faith communities, left out, pushed out, misfit, or discouraged. Our intention is to spark hope in the hearts of church-weary, or church-wounded women through a fresh full hearing of scripture, and exploration through books and conversation. Let’s wrestle together to find new meaning for today in the ancient wisdom tradition of Jesus, and revel in the mystery of Christ.

The ego clearly prefers an economy of merit, where we can divide the world into winners and losers, to any economy of grace, where merit loses all meaning. In the first case, at least a few of us good guys attain glory. In the second case, all the glory is to God.

Season One – Episode 1 Conversation: One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voscamp

Season One – Episode 1 Conversation: One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voscamp

Episode #1. With grateful hearts we dive into this gorgeous book, full of wisdom and beauty. In One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voscamp illustrates a challenge for us: to begin a practice of naming the gifts in our lives. Tanya and Dawn discuss their experience of this beautifully poetic story of a mother’s struggle from despair to joy, and we will also hear a bit of the back story of Gift Girls’ Faith.”

The purpose of humanity is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

Westminster Beginners’ Catechism

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Philippians 4:4