Season One – Episode 8 Scripture Reading: The Book of James

Season One – Episode 8 Scripture Reading: The Book of James


The Book of James with its tenacious, invigorating, imploring words just seemed right paired with The Great Emergence, the book by the vivacious and brilliant Phyllis Tickle. This high energy text might go well with a vigorous walk, or an impromptu dance around the kitchen!

So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless
James 2:17 NLT

Season One – Episode 2 Scripture Reading: The Letter to the Philippians

Season One – Episode 2 Scripture Reading: The Letter to the Philippians


Vibrating with joy and thanksgiving, The Letter to the Philippians was an easy choice to pair with Ann Voscamp’s book, One Thousand Gifts. We are convinced that the scriptures come alive when experienced in longer segments. So we invite you to take a deep breath, relax and let these words wash over you as if for the first time.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4