Season Two – Episode 7: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, by Bill Gates

Season Two – Episode 7: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, by Bill Gates


Episode #7.   “For God so loved the world that he sent his only son” John 3:16. Created to steward God’s creation, we humans have in many ways turned away from our original calling. With humility and God’s unending mercy we can begin to change. Together we can face our apathy, despair, and denial, as we examine both the problems and opportunities before us. Join us in this urgent conversation as we respond to How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, by Bill Gates. 

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible attributes -his eternal power and divine nature- have been understood and observed by what he made, so that people are without excuse.  Romans 1:20

Additional resources: Climate Church Climate World, by Jim Antal; Rising, by Elizabeth Rush.  Podcast – Bill Gates and Rashida Jones Ask Big Questions: Episode #4.  Website:


“In energy, software, and just about every other pursuit, it’s a mistake to think of innovation only in the strict, technological sense. Innovation is not just a matter of inventing a new machine or some new process; it’s also coming up with new approaches to business models, supply chains, markets, and policies that will help new inventions come to life and reach global scale. Innovation is both new devices and new ways of doing things.” -Bill Gates

“When you pay more for an electric car, a heat pump, or a plant-based burger, you’re saying “there’s a market for this stuff. We’ll buy it.” If enough people send the same signal, companies will respond-quite quickly…” -Bill Gates

“Countries like the United States shouldn’t see investing in clean energy R&D as just a favor to the rest of the world. They should also see it as an opportunity to make scientific breakthroughs that will give birth to new industries composed of major new companies, creating jobs and reducing emissions at the same time”. -Bill Gates

Season Two – Episode 2 Scripture Reading: Book of Job

Season Two – Episode 2 Scripture Reading: Book of Job


What do we do when our worst fears become reality? One of the oldest tales in human history, journey with Job as he laments, grieves, complains, rages, and ultimately finds peace with God. Ancient yet timely, this tale profoundly resonates for our current day as we cope with life during a global pandemic.

“What is man that you make so much of him? That you give him so much attention, that you examine him every morning, and test him every moment? Will you never look away from me, or let me alone for an instant? If I have sinned, what have I done to you, O watcher of men?

Job 7:17-20

Season Two – Episode 1 Conversation: Toxic Charity, by Robert D. Lupton

Season Two – Episode 1 Conversation: Toxic Charity, by Robert D. Lupton


Season Two – Episode #1.   Ready for an awesome challenge? Ready to engage your charity habits head on? Let Robert D Lupton open our eyes to the disturbing reality that our “unexamined generosity” may be causing more harm than good to our neighbors in need. Can we discipline our compassion with wisdom to expand our positive impact? Join Tanya and Scott as they respond to this provocative book, and also hear first hand all about Scott’s journey engaging with Haitians to change their communities.


He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8

Season One – Episode 13: Wrap Up Conversation

Season One – Episode 13: Wrap Up Conversation


Episode #13. Wrapping up a fabulous first season, we reflect on our adventure into podcast land. It has been a thrilling journey of humble learning and joyous discovery. Get a sneak peek at what’s in store for season two!

“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet the stones will cry out.”

Luke 19:40

Season One – Episode 12 Scripture Reading: Gospel of Matthew

Season One – Episode 12 Scripture Reading: Gospel of Matthew


The Gospel of Matthew not only holds the story of Jesus, but is jam packed with his parables, speeches, warnings, and exhortations. Because of his words the trajectory of human history has been forever transformed. This gospel account of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus is still changing lives and communities. Come listen to Matthew with us!

The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’

Matthew 25:40

Season One – Episode 8 Scripture Reading: The Book of James

Season One – Episode 8 Scripture Reading: The Book of James


The Book of James with its tenacious, invigorating, imploring words just seemed right paired with The Great Emergence, the book by the vivacious and brilliant Phyllis Tickle. This high energy text might go well with a vigorous walk, or an impromptu dance around the kitchen!

So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless
James 2:17 NLT