Season Three – Episode #1: Falling Upwards by Richard Rohr

Season Three – Episode #1: Falling Upwards by Richard Rohr


Season Three – Episode #1. Dawn and Tanya are picking up the gauntlet once again to share with you our experience of where faith finds us in this season.  Richard Rohr’s enlightening, chock-full-of-wisdom Falling Upwards, about the second half of life spirituality, will provide a framework for this conversation. 

Our hope is to encourage women who feel on the fringe of their faith communities, left out, pushed out, misfit, or discouraged. Our intention is to spark hope in the hearts of church-weary, or church-wounded women through a fresh full hearing of scripture, and exploration through books and conversation. Let’s wrestle together to find new meaning for today in the ancient wisdom tradition of Jesus, and revel in the mystery of Christ.

The ego clearly prefers an economy of merit, where we can divide the world into winners and losers, to any economy of grace, where merit loses all meaning. In the first case, at least a few of us good guys attain glory. In the second case, all the glory is to God.

Season Two – Episode 10 Shameless, by Nadia Bolz-Weber

Season Two – Episode 10 Shameless, by Nadia Bolz-Weber


Episode #10.  Shameless “is for everyone who ever felt ashamed of their sexual nature because of what someone told them in God’s name”. Nadia asks the daring question – Can the church now be the place of sexual healing? It’s high time for a sexual reformation! Guaranteed to spark some fabulously real conversations, this is a book everyone should read. Heads up for sensitive friends – our conversation touches on sexual assault and may be upsetting. 

“How bizarre that a religion based on the merging of things human and divine – a religion based on God choosing to have, of all things, a human body; a faith whose central practice is a shared meal of bread and wine that we say and sometimes believe is the body and blood of Jesus – could develop into such a body – and pleasure-fearing religion”.  (Nadia Bolz-Weber)

If you find this episode interesting check out Giftgirls Season One: Episode 5 to hear our conversation about Nadia’s book Accidental Saints. Also we highly recommend Nadia’s podcast The Confessional. 


Season Two – Episode 9: Freeing Jesus, by Diana Butler Bass

Season Two – Episode 9: Freeing Jesus, by Diana Butler Bass


“The glory of God is man fully alive”

Saint Irenaeus

Episode #9.  Explore “all the Jesuses” with us, in all their beautiful, mysterious layers, as we respond to Freeing Jesus, by Diana Butler Bass. This book felt like reflective memoir, church critique, and Jesus love story all in one.  

 “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together”.

Colossians 1: 17

Season Two – Episode 6: White Fragility by Robin Diangelo

Season Two – Episode 6: White Fragility by Robin Diangelo


Episode #6.   Enlighten us dear Lord! “I don’t know if white Christians hate negroes or not, but I know that we have a Christian church that is white and a Christian church which is black.  I know that the most segregated hour in American life is high noon on Sunday”, said James Baldwin in 1965. How far have we come since then? Many of us white kids were raised to believe that the problem of racial inequity was mostly solved with the civil rights movement. With God’s grace and the Holy Spirit’s gentle prompting, join the conversation as we investigate our own complicity in the complex structures that hold racism in place.


“Enlighten those who possess power and money that they may avoid the sin of indifference, that they may love the common good, advance the weak, and care for this world in which we live. The poor and the earth are crying out”.

-Pope Francis


Season Two – Episode 4 Conversation: The Idolatry Of God, by Peter Rollins

Season Two – Episode 4 Conversation: The Idolatry Of God, by Peter Rollins


Episode #4.   Shake up all your theological assumptions with us as we glimpse our comfy Christianity, in all of its idolatrous ways, with Pete Rollins. Where do we find our identity? How does “the Christ event”  inform how we listen to the other. Equal parts brainy and experiential this book is a must read for anyone in need of fresh vision for what it means to be a Christ follower.  

“…people keep wanting to treat Jesus as a type of king. In contrast, he is constantly depicted as doing things that undermine this idolatrous way of relating to him. Showing weakness when people expect strength, powerlessness when they want power, and humility when they want majesty. In other words, we believe in Jesus (as the Idol) and Jesus informs us that this is not the case”.  

Peter Rollins


Season Two – Episode 3: Kick off Conversation

Season Two – Episode 3: Kick off Conversation


Episode #3.   Why this Podcast? What are we doing and where are we going? 2020 has turned all our plans upside down, but we’re still in the game. Getting our feet with season one, Dawn and Tanya are jumping into uncharted territory with season two. Come rip the lid of the tidy box we like to keep Jesus in. Pull away the safety net of our assumptions. Say hello to a fresh vision for following Jesus. Consider new voices and join the conversation. 

For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

Ephesians 2:14-18