Season One – Episode 7 Conversation: The Great Emergence, by Phyllis Tickle


Episode #7. Never a dull moment with one of our favorite church history buffs Phyllis Tickle, as she helps us understand some of the historical patterns of growth and change within the Church and our society as a whole. If you’ve never encountered Church Emergence theory you may need to take a deep breath and clear your head to make room for some mind expanding concepts. Join the conversation with Tanya and Dawn as they explore this eye opening book, and also take a look at The Book of James.

“Emergents, because they are postmodern, believe in paradox; or more correctly, they recognize the ubiquity of paradox and are not afraid of it. Instead, they see in its operative presence the tension where vitality lives”
-Phyllis Tickle-

So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless
James 2:17 NLT