Finding Fresh Vision for Following Jesus
through books and conversation.
Tired of being passive unquestioning participants in our faith communities, we are learning to bring our whole selves to the journey. We are coming alive again in Christ.
Join us as we consider new voices, and ask daring questions. Together we can revitalize our faith and awaken to a new season. Let’s lean in to the mystery and allow the Holy Spirit’s work in us to transform our families, our communities, and our places of faith.

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you
We yearn for authentic, honest relationships, and connection to
God and each other
Many of us don’t feel inspired to read the Bible in long passages. We can often feel overwhelmed just getting through one paragraph of scripture without the mind wandering off, or worse having baggage from previous teachings bubble up and limit our experience, but we are convinced that the scriptures come alive when experienced in longer segments.